Any beginning writer looking for
writing advice is going to find article after article that
command her to “find your voice”.
But what is my voice?
asks that poor bewildered beginner.
And she’ll read further, and be
told, “Your voice is just you. It’s what’s authentic about your writing.”
But if it’s just me, and I’m already me, then why do I have
to go about looking for it? she
And then she’s told that voice is
really hard to find, it’s hard to get your voice to come across to the readers,
it’s almost impossible for anyone but the experienced to do it – in sum, she’s
told, “You really have no idea how hard it is for you to just be yourself. You
really don’t.”
And she thinks, Yeah. Right. Fat lot of help you are.
All good things. But after she’s
worked and worked, and learned and learned, and practiced and practiced, she
comes back to that voice thing.
And do you know what? They were all
Because voice is just being
authentic. But the reason what they were saying made no sense is that voice is more than just being authentic.
Voice is being authentic and communicating. Being authentic and
communicating at the same time.
And that means becoming skilled at communicating.
And that's where we hit the problem:
communication is something you can learn, something you can be skilled at - but
like any skill, when you practice it, when you begin the process of mastering
it - you get really, really awkward for a
That awkwardness shows up in your
It shows up in your life.
And that's when people get
And they stop.
They stop talking, they stop writing.
They give up on authenticity.
It's easier to hide.
Because when you're not
communicating, at least you're not communicating badly.
At least you're not getting it
But you have to get past that
awkward point.
Maturity is awesome, but it demands
You can't become an adult without
being a teenager first – an awkward, gawky, pimply teenager whose nose is too
big for her face.
That's why your "voice" didn’t
sound right. That's why you didn’t sound real.
Even though you're trying to say
what you think. Even though you were trying to say exactly how you felt.
And even though you were trying to say
it well.
Because nobody's good at something when she starts.
She gets good with practice.
You need to be sincere.
But you need the skill, too, or all the sincerity in the world won't be enough. It won't come across.
So learn the skills. Read the books.
Do the exercises.
And write, and write, and write, and
The grace will come with practice.
And if you keep yourself honest,
then once you’re good at
communicating . . .
the authenticity will be there, too.
Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell