Sunday, March 4, 2007

Getting Ready For Easter, Part 1: flowers

Since I find myself often celebrating feast days the day after (because it takes me the day itself to realize what day it is, and another day to figure out how to celebrate it), I thought I'd start planning ahead and do a series on getting ready for Easter.

The first thing that springs to mind is rather frivilous, and that's flowers. I have trouble every buying cut flowers, because they're so expensive. But they are rather glorious, and glorious things are good to have around on Easter, because they remind us of the truly glorious: the ressurected Christ.

But if you plan now, you might still have enough time to get a bulb or two to sprout, or to water that dead-looking iris patch in the side yard enough to convince it to bloom, or to find someone with a calla lily patch who's willing to let you dig for calla lily tubers. In other words, peek around and find something that might flower by Easter, or someone who has a flowering tree you can plan on taking cuttings from, or even a good bunch of silk flowers on sale at the thrift store, and you can have your glorious Easter flowers in time to have them on your Easter table.

(And if not your Easter Sunday table, just sometime in Easter - it's fifty days long!)

I don't mean to say, by the way, that you must have flowers in order to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. You certainly don't! But if that is something you'll want on April 8, and if you're a slow planner like me, it's something to start thinking about.

peace of Christ to you,

1 comment:

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'm hopeful that the calla lilies you gave me will bloom in time. If I can just remember to water the garden - I'm so out of the habit!