Tuesday, January 30, 2007

WFMW: nursing poncho

Somehow, on Sundays, naptime always falls right in the middle of our church service. For me, this meant I either needed to find a way to modestly nurse my babies, or I needed to leave the service.

Well, I didn't like the idea of leaving, but with my firstborn I never was able cover up well with a blanket; it kept sliding off!

But, during a thrift store trip just before my son was born, I found a wonderful thing. It was a poncho, the kind made for teeny-boppers, the kind I'd never really consider wearing as part of any outfit, but the kind that was, though aimed for the 13-15 year old set, perfect for nursing a baby under!

The cool thing about this poncho was that, despite its loud pink and white pattern, it was thin enough that air could pass through it well (no smothering the baby you're trying to feed), but closely-woven enough for modesty (no flashing the folks in the next pew), and, best of all, since it was a poncho, it couldn't slip off.

I've nursed Gamgee under this sucessfully during many a mass, and I think what I like best about it is how well suited it is for nursing when it was never, ever intended to be used that way. Finding a new use for a silly fashion item? Works for me!

(And finding it for next to nothing in a thrift store? Even better! If you want one, you probably won't have any trouble locating one secondhand, it's the sort of thing that's always falling out of style and being tossed.)

peace of Christ to you,

For more cool tips, visit Works for Me Wednesday, hosted by Shannon of Rocks in My Dryer.


Rebecca said...

It's funny. Ponchos, style-wise, were one of those things that I just considered not a good idea.

But a nursing poncho? Definitely a good idea!

Nikki said...

Good tip. I will use this tip with the new baby!

Rocks In My Dryer said...

Wish I had thought of this back in the nursing days!

Jane said...

I have one of those trendy ponchos that I rarely wear. Now I will definately save it for the future!

Unknown said...

Great idea! I've don't nurse anymore, but I was always so self-conscience about it. A poncho would've made things a lot easier!