Friday, June 12, 2009

Geography is the mother of strategy

As I mentioned, I'm researching my next book (and to the commentator who asked, yes, I have written a couple of books, but no, I haven't published any yet), and - as I think I also mentioned - it involves learning a lot about France. Even though my hero and heroine are English, the book starts on the road to Calais, just before the Peace of Amiens breaks (and the adventure ensues).

Anyway, I'm plotting and researching at the same time, and sometimes my plotting gets ahead of my researching, leading to entries in my notes like the following:

-Um, just looked at a map. Can NOT have CRD plan to get in a fishing boat in Rouen, and get out to sea and just “drift closeish to the coast of Spain, then get out and row for it” Would be a very long swim.

Yeah. Nothing like a geographical blooper to take your reader from the "willing suspension of disbelief" to "unwilling gales of hilarious laughter at sad, misinformed author".

Glad I caught that one at this stage in the story-writing! :D

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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