Friday, February 2, 2007

February 2: The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

Or, Candlemas.

Today celebrates the day that Mary (as a good, observant Jew) goes to the temple to be purified after giving birth to her firstborn son. She's met by Simeon, who prophesies over Jesus:

"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all people,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel."

So, on this day of light, it's traditional to have all the house's candles blessed - all the candles you're going to use on the holy days for the entire rest of the year!

Meredith Gould suggests that it's a good day for candlemaking, so if you've ever wanted to try, go for it! And tell your kids about Simeon and Anna (instead of the groundhog).

peace of Christ to you,

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