The first picture is how it looked packed in the basket, and the second is everything spread out on our table (so pretty!).
What we had was:
-yellow flowers (chysanthamums?)
-a grapefruit
-beets w/ greens
-red chard
-kale? maybe?
-green onions
-green beans
-zucchini (ack, ick, uck!)
Most of it is from the farm our CSA is with, but they partner with a few other organic farms to supply things they can't grow - like the kiwi.
Now I'm going to sit down with my recipe book and this lovely book and the internets and figure out what we're going to eat this next week!
peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell
I have loved belonging to a CSA. As for the zucchini, use it for zucchini chocolate chip muffins. You can't taste the zucchini, it makes the muffins really moist, and your kids will gobble them up without realizing they are eating a vegetable. (Really, I love zucchini any way, but even people who hate zucchini, like my husband, love the muffins.)
So jealous! The only thing we have left growing in our garden are sugar snap peas after the last frost.
I went to grad school at UC-Irvine and was always amazed at how plentiful and fresh and cheap produce was in CA!
Enjoy! Amy
We joined one in August, and it's been so wonderful! We love knowing that we're getting quality produce (and meat) that has been raised in a way that stewards the earth well.
Congrats on joining the CSA club! :)
Thanks so much for writing about this! I've been wanting to join a CSA for a while, and this one is right on my way home from Mass Wednesday mornings. Since I am single and cook for myself, I've rounded up some friends to share the baskets with me. We're excited!
TwoSquareMeals, I'm going to try something similar I think: chocolate zucchini bread. I doubt I'll like it (zucchini breads always taste sharp to me), but I think everyone else will.
Amy, I know we're blessed here in California - I know in other places in the country CSAs aren't year-round like they are here. Who knows if we'll live here forever, so I'm going to try to enjoy all this produce while I can!
SarahLee08 - thanks!
Cate, I hope you like it as much as I do - just note that the pickup time is from 2:30 to 4:30 - so it might not work to pick it up right after a morning mass.
Looks wonderful!! I want to try a CSA too, so keep up the posts as i'm curious to see what is in the delivery each time! :) Also, besides zucchini bread and muffins, you could try breaded, fried zucchini. That is sooooo goood!! Take care, - Heather
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