Monday, September 3, 2018

Links for Labor Day!

Here are links to some good reading and listening, for what's left of your weekend:

-"The Strange Truth About the Pill" - this article from the BBC has been making the rounds, and it's well-worth the read.

-"I Don't Want a Celebration of Life, I Want a Burial Service" - a friend from our parish posted this to his Facebook page, and I really liked it.

-"What Should We Make of the Sign Gifts?" - I loved this--so sensible, and Biblically-grounded. (And neither hard cessationist nor extreme charismatic. Very thoughtful, and worth listening to, whichever side of the debate you're on.) 

-And here is a very, very good sermon on wisdom, discernment, and growing in maturity.

-"On Wildness, Cracked Worlds, Monsters, and the Odd Nature of the Short Story" - this one is for my fellow writers out there, though I think the vibrancy of it will appeal to any reader. Also, this part seems like good advice for...many, many things:
“Here’s my theory on trail maintenance,” he said to us over and over again. “You take the worst stretch of trail, and you turn it into the best.” It was good advice, as it turns out.

(And for more links than I ever manage to post here on the blog, follow me on Twitter!)

That's it for this week! I hope you had a good Labor Day weekend!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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