Saturday, November 9, 2013

Weekend Links!

-"What Story Are You Writing?":
When a family gathers at a funeral to celebrate the life of someone dear and to console one another in their grief, the words of a eulogy can have tremendous power. Eulogies are gifts, even more for the people who mourn than for the deceased. As I went about my business all last week, tending to the myriad of details I had previously never even considered, deviating so far from my original plan for the week that it was barely recognizable, I considered what makes a good eulogy—not what makes a stylistically good eulogy, what makes stirring oration, but what makes the summation of one’s life “good.” What really is a life well lived?

-"The Teaching of Kindness":
So many words, and they can be so hard to find, buried in all the clutter and confusion. So many times, all I want to do is send everyone to separate rooms, put a quick stop to all the ugly words. Sometimes that's all I can do, and sometimes that's okay, but mostly I'm called to show up with the right words. The good words, the true words, the life-giving words of love and joy and peace.
-This post is an example of why I enjoy Sandra Taylor's blog so much: her account of her days just feels so very real. And maybe it's because I identify with her - this mom of not-a-few who is pursuing creative endeavors and trying to keep her house a home at the same time - but she just tells that daily story very, very well in small, telling, relatable details. I'm always happy to see one of her posts.

-"Is Youth Ministry Killing Church?"

-"How to help someone inside a cult/abusive church {hint: interventions don’t work}" - helpful perspective here.

Finally, I wanted to mention a few podcasts I've discovered in the past few months:
-Simple Mom: I  know I'm a latecomer to this one! My favorite was the episode on book publishing.
-Clutter Interrupted: This one is wonderful to have one while you're cleaning house! And I love how they address not just organization in the home, but also in things like health and finance.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

1 comment:

Willa said...

I always love your link round-ups, Jessica. And thanks this time for the link to Sandra Tayler's blog. I totally agree with what you say about her writing. Wish there were more blogs out there like that.