Sunday, December 23, 2012

the Magnificat . . . and a postscript on "The God of the Mundane"

Today's gospel reading included the Magnificat as recorded in Luke, and our bishop preached about Mary's obedience.

It was a good sermon, and he made it very clear that our job was to answer God the way Mary did, to say, "May it be to me according to your will," or, as our bishop put it, "Whatever you want, God."

As I listened, I thought, "this is what I wish had been touched on a bit more heavily in The God of the Mundane." Because I absolutely agree with Redmond that God loves ordinary people - and uses them, too! But the reason there is a God of the mundane is that there is a God who gives his people various callings: some ordinary, and some extraordinary. And it's not our business to decide which one we want to have; it's our business to say "yes" to the one God gives us.

Again, I don't think Redmond would disagree with me. But I wish there'd been a chapter just about this, to make it very clear. Maybe it could be in that sequel I hoped for. :) God decides not just how to use us - he decides what we are. He's not just our boss, he's our very creator, and so he knows what we're best suited for.

And so we don't have to worry. We just have to follow. Ready, waiting, and - when called - acting. Like Mary.

(And Lord, have mercy on us, because that's such an example to be trying to emulate!)

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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