-"Not Writing for Writers": I enjoyed this post about how pursuing non-literary art forms help writers write better. Here's a snippet:
What amazes me the most is that I haven’t lost anything. I don’t have less time to enjoy the audiobooks and films and tv shows and social media I love. But I have incentive to be more purposeful about what I consume, because it has to be better than spending time with my thoughts. I’ve lost patience for the empty noise, I only want the good stuff.
"On Signaling Versus Displaying Virtue in a Trumpian Age"
-"How the Order of the Beatitudes Could Change Your Life": I can't remember ever seeing this point made elsewhere, and it's a really helpful insight.
-"I Work from Home": I'm enough of an introvert that I can't identify with much of this, but as someone who does work from home, I
still find it hilarious.
-"Dear Supporter, There's So Much More I Wish I Could Tell You": a missionary friend of mine linked to this post, and (for what it's worth) as a missionary kid, I commend it to you.
Pray for the missionaries you know, folks. And then pray for them some more.
-"Ten Meter Tower": I could not look away from this. Weirdly fascinating.
-"C.S. Lewis Talks to a Dog About Lust": So helpful.
-"Why Our Son Doesn't Have a Smartphone"
-"I Was a Black, Female Thru-Hiker on the Appalachian Trail"
-"An Iceberg Flipped Over, and Its Underside is Breathtaking": really gorgeous pictures.
-"Which Paid Marketing Works (and Doesn't Work) for Books": I know this is totally inside baseball, but I like Rachel Aaron's blog (
and recommend her book), and found this long meaty post really interesting.
---Finally, on a note of shameless self-promotion, it's almost Lent, and if you don't already have a copy of "Let Us Keep the Feast: Living the Church Year at Home," now is a great time to buy one! Cate MacDonald and Lindsay Marshall do a great job of showing you simple, meaningful ways to bring the church's celebration of Lent and Easter into your own home.
You won't regret getting yourself a copy before Ash Wednesday rolls around (March 1, this year.)---
I hope you have a lovely Sunday, full of worship and rest!
Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell
This post contains Amazon affiliate links; if you purchase a book from this link, I receive a small percentage of the purchase price. (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)