Tuesday, March 20, 2007

WFMW: plant stand

See what my clever husband made for me?

Most of those plants are perennials I've nursed through the winter, that are just now starting to bloom again. My problem was that they were hard to see; none of them (except the nutty verbena on the right) are very tall, so when I looked out my windows they were largely invisible. Now that they're flowering again, I really wanted to be able to see them.

So Adam took a couple cinder blocks and a couple boards ("I hope you appreciate that I'm giving up good scrap lumber for you." "Oh! Do you need it for something?" A grin and: "No, it's just always nice to have good scrap lumber around." "Oh! Then I'll appreciate it!") and made me a plant stand! Easy as laying boards across cinder blocks (like you would to build a bookcase) and it doesn't matter how it looks, because the plants will draw the eye away from it nicely.

So now I look out my window and think I'm seeing something from Better Homes and Gardens. A beautiful display of plants, the plants I've been eagerly checking in the morning for new bud clusters - now I'll actually see them bloom! Works for me!

peace of Christ to you,

p.s. Also working for me this week? My new blog: From Print to Plate. I'm enjoying writing about the new recipes I try. Check it out!


Nikki said...

Very beautiful! I've been trying to find places for our plants that are getting too big and it's still to cold and unpredictable outside. This would do very nicely on decent-weather days. Great tip!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Pretty, Jess! Where did you get the cinderblocks? Are they very expensive?

Justabeachkat said...

Wow...what a sweet husband and a great idea!

Rae said...

Great, frugal idea. Thanks for sharing! =)

Annie said...

Great idea!

Lines From The Vine said...

I'm so thankful for the things like this that my dear hubby thinks to do for me! It really does make a huge difference in the look and feel of your home, and also in the way you feel when you see such a lovely arrangement of plants!


Ms. Kathleen said...

Wonderful! I need this for my deck. I can't really see my plants from my kitchen window.
