
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

WFMW: owner's manual

Today's Works For Me Wednesday is the car edition. Here's what I know about cars: cars with stick shifts cost less to repair, and I really want a minivan someday.

Okay, now that you are in awe at my vast store of mechanical knowledge, I'll tell you the one thing that really does work for me: the owner's manual. Of course things will happen to your vehicle that you can't take care of yourself. But you'd be surprised at what you can do, and at how useful that little booklet that came with your car is. I've taken to leafing through it sometimes when my husband is driving and I'm sitting pretty in the passenger seat. It's taken us through jump-starting batteries and replacing headlights. And maintaining the proper level of clutch fluid. And other useful skills like that.

So take a peek. They're simply written, easy to understand, and surprisingly useful. Consulting the owner's manual: works for me!

peace of Christ to you,


  1. I also want a minivan! Some of my friends make fun of me, but I tell them that at my point in life it's all about convenience, not looks!

  2. I've got to admit I've read our owner manuals before. Yes! They are a great source of information. Who knew? ;)

    Brandy of The Building Brows
