
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

all this outdoor living

So, in the blissfulness of all this lovely spring weather, we've been spending time with the doors and windows open, and apparently one of the denizens of our backyard got lost. I killed one of these guys in our house today, green fangs and all. Groovy, eh?

peace of Christ to you,


  1. Wow, neat! I don't think I've seen one of those before. I'm not sure I like the jumping aspect of those little guys though, that would definitely startle me! I looked up some more information on them. :-) Namely, I wanted to get an idea of how big they are! The site I found said they are usually "only" about 15 mm. Is that about the size of your (newly departed) house guest?

  2. Depends on if you're counting the body or the legs. About a half inch without the legs, closer to an inch with. So, um, biggish. :D
