
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Preparing for Easter: Spring Cleaning

Question: am I a very bad person if I browse through Feministing and then go take a peek at Ladies Against Feminism, and then realize what I just did, and have a good laugh?

(I don't necessarily recommend either site, btw, except as interesting reading. I don't agree completely with either, but if you, like me, enjoy reading both sides of an argument, you might enjoy the opposing viewpoints. It's kinda like listening to both NPR and your local libertarian radio show. But then, you could just have done with it and read something good, like Touchstone or Dawn Eden's blog. Probably more Christian to just read the something good.)

Anyway, back on topic, did you know that this week is the traditional spring cleaning week? Why? Why, to get ready for Easter, of course! (The tradition, of course, is to clean up the CHURCH. Your local altar guild will doubtless be taking care of that though, so the home is the next best thing!)

I, frankly, do not feel much like deep cleaning. So I'm modifying the tradition (eep! modifying traditions!) and intending to get all the surfaces of my house cleared off. You know: desk, kitchen table, coffee table, bookshelf tops - those places that tend to have things set down on them.

With two toddlers, I think modified spring cleaning is about right. I like the idea of looking around and finding the one thing that would make the biggest effect, and I think that surface-clearing is it. After all, "a place for everything and everything in its place" is not a truism for nothing!

So, anyone else out there with spring cleaning aspirations?

peace of Christ to you,

p.s. Last night we had a vegan meal of lentils and rice. While yummy and all, I've decided that next Monday we are having CARNITAS! Yay Easter!

p.p.s. My big thanksgiving of the day is for our new patio cover. Yes, almost two years after they said they would, our landlords put a cover over our patio. In a house without air conditioning or roof insulation, this makes a huge difference in how pleasant it is to live here. And now we have a hammock outside, which makes lulling my boy-child to sleep much easier. Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing some spring cleaning around here too. Yesterday I tackled the floors in the house, vacuuming and scrubbing extra well. I also did baseboards and vacuumed the coils of my fridge. I had never done that before - in fact I didn't even know it was possible until I read about someone else doing that in their spring cleaning. It was gross, but I'm glad I did it. The things you can learn about on blogs! *grin* We started working outside yesterday afternoon, and we'll continue that today. Yesterday we scrubbed all the outside sand toys, and today we'll do lots of sweeping and scrubbing to see if we can reclaim our tiny backyard from the leaves and spiders.
