
Friday, October 2, 2015

7 Quick Takes: Anniversary Edition

So apparently today is the 7th anniversary of "7 Quick Takes", the link-up started by Jennifer Fulwiler, and carried on by Kelly Mantoan.

I haven't participated regularly for awhile, but I still think fondly of that link-up, because I met so many great bloggers there, some of whom I still follow and interact with today.

So, in honor of a great online experience (how often can you use that phrase?), I'm participating with the anniversary edition of 7 Quick Takes today.  Here we go!

1. Looking at fashion on Pinterest really makes me wish I lived somewhere cold enough to do more layering. This has nothing to do with anything, but Quick Takes posts should always include something a bit random, right?

So yeah: those capsule wardrobes are adorable, but there's no way you're talking me into putting on a shirt on TOP of my dress, not when it's insanely hot for, oh, 350 days out of 356.

2. My first Quick Takes post was this one, written from the depths - yay, from the deeps - of life as a mom with four kids under age five. (Which is better than four under four, which is where we started when we brought our twins home.)

The kids are now eleven, nine, seven, and seven. Life is just as busy, but not nearly as frantic.

3. I still write about most of the things I wrote about seven years ago: parenting, family, faith, books, writing, crafting.

4. I still write about celebrating the church year at home, but maybe a little bit less.

5. The reason for that is (glory! wonder!) I got a chance to actually assemble all my love for the church year into a BOOK:

I still have a lot to say about celebrating the church year, but so much of what I love about it and what I've learned about it is in this book. It feels like - not a completion, not an end - but a real fruit of my love of this part of the Christian devotional life.

When I talk about the church year now, it doesn't feel like I'm starting from scratch. And that's largely thanks to the work of the amazing authors who contributed to "Let Us Keep the Feast".

6. That book (which came, in part, from this blog), led me to more editing work, which led me to learning how very much I love editing as a profession. Learning that, and being given the opportunity to work in the book business, has been such a blessing and a gift.

7. Writing this really makes me wonder what life will be like seven years from now!

Head on over to Kelly's place to read more Quick Takes!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

This post contains an Amazon affiliate link; if you purchase a book from this link, I receive a small percentage of the purchase price.  (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)


  1. Thanks for coming back and joining QTs after all this time! I've enjoyed exploring your blog!

  2. Went back to read your first Quick Takes and I have to concur with #5: RSV season does suck! Daniel had shots for it during his first year (which were thankfully covered by Medicaid) and got it at least once outright (1 week in the hospital at age 3) and likely two other times (Thanksgiving 2011 which was 4 days in-patient then suspected as the cause of our 3 week stay in February-March of 2011.) Let's just say that our kiddo has cost Medicaid and various insurances over $1 million in 6.5 years.

  3. My pleasure, Kelly! Thanks for hosting. :)

    Jen - YES. RSV is terrible. I'm so sorry Daniel had to be hospitalized due to it, that's just awful.
