
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Looking at the picture now, those two books look pretty funny together. One is my current just-for-fun read: "The Farther Shore" by Christie Golden. It's the second half of a continuation of Star Trek: Voyager, and much better than the last Star Trek continuation novel I tried.

The knitting is a light, lace-weight cardigan - the Nevis cardigan this time. I liked my Whisper cardigan so much, I wanted to make a similar cardigan with shorter sleeves and a bit more length in the body. The yarn is Tosh Lace in Spectrum, a lovely Christmas gift from my brother and sister-in-law.

There are more book-and-yarn-rich posts to be found over at Ginny's place.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. I love the yarn-color! it's going to be gorgeous when you finish. :)

  2. This is going to look so beautiful - love the pattern and color way of the yarn.

  3. Love your choice of pattern and yarn. Your finished product will be beautiful. And your books... well, they simply illustrate your diversity!

  4. The colour of that yarn is lovely. Look forward to seeing more of it as your project progresses!
