
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Let Us Keep the Feast: Christmas & Advent"

Maybe some people are sophisticated and blasé about this kind of thing, but I have to admit that when I saw this preview of the cover of "Let Us Keep the Feast", my reaction was more of a high-pitched "squeee!"

I'm so excited about this book; it's the book I wish I had ten years ago, as Adam and I were starting our lives together as adults, setting up the rhythms of our household. Our hope was (and is) to always hold in our hearts and minds the truth that our family's life is a part of the life of the church, that our worship of God on Sunday should naturally flow into our work-a-day lives, showing itself in our love for each other, for our children, for our neighbors.

That's why I love the church year: it constantly reminds me of God's love. Its feasts and fasts keep the gospel story constantly before my eyes. In my cooking and housekeeping, in my reading and my correspondence, in so many small customs and traditions, the church year is always pointing my eyes back towards Jesus.

The authors in this book have done such a splendid job of laying out those customs and traditions - and the reasons behind them - to the reader. I was so privileged to get to work with them. Editing this book was an education and a pleasure.

The first volume of "Let Us Keep the Feast" will be available on November 1st. I can't wait!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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