
Friday, June 8, 2012

Movie Notes: Mirror, Mirror

There are two excellent things about this movie, and I don't know which to start with, because I don't want you to miss either point. So, let's go to bullet points:

-It's a family movie. Like, really. You can take your kids to it without fear*.
-It's a good movie. Funny, engaging, and gorgeously shot.

In the midst of several good performances the stand-out is, hands down, Armie Hammer as the Prince. He was great, playing the part so earnestly that all the funniest parts weren't just laugh-out-loud funny, they were endearing. I love it when actors decide to really serve the part and not their vanity, and he's got to be this year's model for that sort of honest triumph.

Hmm, other things I liked? Snow White's fightin' outfit, the Bollywood-style dancing, the sweet love story and, oh yes, surprise Sean Bean (always a good sign in a movie).

So, if you're looking for a family movie night rental (or, dollar theater outing), this is a good one to try.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

*The bad guys are, of course, bad. But my four-year-old twins weren't overwhelmed by the slightly scary scenes and there weren't any jokes I blushed to have them hear.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I had thought of taking the kids but wasn't sure if they were old enough; I will make plans to have a family movie night. :) Thanks!
