
Monday, June 4, 2012

Book Notes: "The Skinny Rules" by Bob Harper

The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to ThinThe Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin by Bob Harper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read diet books like I read parenting books: never looking to adopt a whole new system, just looking for a few tips for tweaking the one I already have.

And maybe the reason I liked this book is because Harper's system is very close to the one I already have. What does he advise? Eat lots of veggies, don't eat fake stuff, eat enough protein, don't eat too many calories, work out. Yep.

So is it everything you've heard before? Yes. But here that's a good thing, because the same old advice is delivered well and in a voice full of humor. (Points to Harper's ghost writer, who managed to write a book that reads like Harper talks, yet has the clarity you expect from the written word.)

What else is there to like besides the good advice and good delivery? The realism. Harper points out that healthy living in our unhealthy society is *hard*, and I, for one, thank him for admitting that. I've read way too many diet books that talk about how easy their system is, and it's never true. I much prefer Harper's "hard, but worth it" take on things.

What didn't I like? Well, I thought his advice of no carbs after lunch was unrealistic. Not bad advice (the biological reasons behind it were interesting), just impractical if you're cooking for a family.

And . . . well, really, that's about it. I liked the rest, and the recipes at the back of the book look great - the few I tried were delicious, and I look forward to trying some more. If you're looking for a primer on good eating or, like me, just a reminder, this is a good book to pick up.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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