
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yarnalong: Hummingbird Jaywalkers and "Sanctuary for a Lady" Giveaway!

First, the book (and giveaway)
Being a terrible person, I always flip through new books before I read them, risking spoilers and disappointment. But when I got Naomi Rawling's new book, "Sanctuary for a Lady", the first thing I stumbled across was this exchange:
"Why do you keep trying to kiss me?"
"I'm not trying to kiss you. I'm . . ." What? Trying not to kiss her?
That made me laugh out loud and go back to the beginning of the book in order to start the story, hopeful for good things.

And I wasn't disappointed: the story is full of incident and romance, bouncing nicely back and forth between the peril of the plot and the sweetness of the love story. It's set in one of the more exciting times of history - i.e., one of those times that's fun to read about but that you really wouldn't want to have to live through - and despite the dangers of the time period, it made me want to go and visit northern France, to see if it's still as pretty as this book makes it sound. The descriptions of the countryside in this story are lush and inviting, and the aristocrat-fleeing-the-Terror plot reminded me of the life and times of the Scarlet Pimpernel.

Since Naomi was kind enough to give me this free copy*, I wanted to pass it on so that someone else could have the fun of reading it. If you're interested, just leave a comment, and make sure I have a way of contacting you. U.S. residents only (sorry!), and I'll pick a winner randomly on Sunday.

Then, the knitting
The socks are Jaywalkers and the yarn is Knit Picks' Felici in Hummingbird. It's very satisfying to watch the sharp ripple pattern appear; I've crocheted ripples so often, but this is my first time knitting them and it's fun to feel them form under my fingers via needle instead of hook. I really like the variety of learning things in both crafts.

More yarn-y and literary fun over at Small Things.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

*The book was free; all opinions are my own.


  1. I've been meaning to make Jaywalkers for ages, and I love the colours your're doing yours in :) It's such a pleasing looking pattern

  2. Love the jaywalkers! Once I'm done with my current projects I intend to knit socks....eventually :)

  3. I love your Jaywalkers! The colors are awesome! Your book sounds delightful and just up my alley. I will look for it on my next visit to the library--fingers crossed!

  4. That's so funny that the book takes place in France. From the cover, I thought they were Pilgrims! Whoops!
    I admire your sock endeavor. I cower at the thought of knitting socks.

  5. This is my first visit to your blog...and I love the title of it, we try to celebrate the church feast days throughout the year with different crafts and baked goods....I actually just posted a recipe we're making for little sweet birds!

  6. Oh, and I think your jaywalker socks look awesome!!!

  7. Oh, I could use a good romance a-la-scarlet-pimpernel...
    And PS, I love the color of the socks.

  8. Lovely socks, and that yarn--beautiful!

  9. I love those socks! I'm completely intimidated by knitting socks, I haven't been brave enough yet. I love all the knitpicks sock yarn though, so pretty!

  10. I love those socks! I'm completely intimidated by knitting socks, I haven't been brave enough yet. I love all the knitpicks sock yarn though, so pretty!

  11. I've had the jaywalkers in my Ravelry queue for probably almost 2 years now. I don't know why I don't knit them because I always love the look of them when someone else posts about them. The yarn is gorgeous too!!

  12. The socks are lovely! I have yet to knit a pair of socks. Hoping to learn how to soon! :)

  13. I love the jaywalkers--they've been on my to-make list forever---time to move them to the head of the line. And your choice of color--yummy!!!

  14. Thanks for stopping by the World of Wiedz...yes, books on tape would be a smart idea. The socks look lovely.

  15. Your book sounds pretty good, and your socks look like a lot of fun. I love those colors.

  16. What beautiful knitting. I love your choice of colors. And the book sounds lovely, too bad I am not in the US, but I always love good recommendations so thanks for that!

  17. Those socks are crazy amazing!! Love the ripples and your colour choices. :)

  18. Those socks are crazy amazing!! Love the ripples and your colour choices. :)

  19. Oooh, I love those socks! I may have to look into that pattern.

    I'm a big "fan" of history, but I know for a fact I wouldn't want to live in most other eras. Lack of air conditioning and/or corsets would do me in.

  20. Love your socks, so awesome!!!!

  21. Oh, now those are some fun socks! I'm putting them in my queue now.

    Good luck with your gray cabled kilt hose. My husband is very simple, so he's getting plain gray socks!

  22. I've read a couple of other books from that time period--sounds like a great read.

  23. The colours and ripples of your socks are wonderful. That book sounds interesting, I really like 'classics' and historical novels.

  24. I've done Jaywalkers, they are neat.
    Thank you for stopping by -- I've been told, Grannie, you sure know how to treat little boys, love 'em.

  25. I have that pattern in my queue but haven't attempted it yet. I have a thing about swatching and I hear that you had better knit a swatch so that these socks actually fit!

  26. Oh my goodness, I love those socks! The yarn is gorgeous. I need to try knitting socks sometime... xo

  27. Thanks for the review, Jessica! I'd have to agree with all the others that those socks are beautiful!

    Now for my secret, you say the book is a la Scarlet Pimpernel. Well, I've never read Scarlet Pimpernel. I'm thinking I should, though. :-)

  28. That book sounds good:) I always love historical fiction...

  29. That book sounds very entertaining. Your socks looks great. I think I need to learn to crochet. People say it's easy, but it freaks me out a little. ;)

  30. This book sounds exciting. Your socks look very nice. I crocheted and knit dishcloths and doilies.

    wildflowers386 at yahoo dot com

  31. Hi!
    I am new to your blog. THis sounds like a really good read. I am also knew to knitting. I ran out of yarn for my first project so waiting to get more next month to finish it. :)
    Thank you for the chance!
    ~Mippy :)
    bunnysmip (AT) yahoo (DOT com

  32. I just came across your website while searching for a release date for Sanctuary for a Lady.

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    arieljo12 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  33. hi! would love a copy, thank you, blessings. x
