
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Editing: Some Cheese with your Whine?

March is editing month. I'm editing a full-length manuscript and, frankly, it's going beautifully.

But . . . whine, sniffle, whine, whimper . . . I'm feeling terribly, inappropriately sorry for myself.

Why? Because editing is not writing. That's why. I want to be finishing my contemporary romance, the one that's so close to done, with the characters so close to turning the corner from disaster to redemption. I want to be plotting my sci-fi trilogy, the one that keeps bubbling up in my head whenever I have a quiet moment. I want to be researching my next historical romance, the one that I'm sure is going to have a duel in it, because, well, I want to write a duel. I want to sketch a few scenes for the space-going linguist with the eidetic memory, the one who's been patiently waiting for me to follow her along on the adventure I just know is coming. I want, I want, I want.

EDITING IS NOT WRITING. I like editing. I like it so much more than I thought. The novel I'm editing is going from good to better, sentences that were muddy are now clear, and with all the tweaks I'm making the characters shine and the story sings. But all this editing is not writing. And I am heartsick for writing.

There is just not enough time in my days. Not nearly enough.

And with all these characters and plots that have nowhere to go, there is not nearly enough room in my head. I think that I am going to explode.

Editing is not writing, it is not, and I need to write. April cannot get here soon enough for me.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. And that, dear Jessica, is why writing is your proper work. After I finish this spate of births, (and it is April!) you should bring the girls to my house for a day and write.

  2. Amen. I feel exactly the same way.

  3. I do like editing, but writing is my passion. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to sit down and really dive in to writing during this season of my life. But, my babes are getting older, so I am trying to soak up as much babydom as I can :-)

  4. Heather - it does come round again! I keep having to remind myself. Each season is its own self, and I need to appreciate it while it's here.
