
Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Keeping House" Read-Along, Chapter 8: "The Well-Kept House"

It was good to read the end of this book today. In her conclusion to "Keeping House", Margaret Kim Peterson reminds us of two very important things: that housekeeping is a daily necessity, and so must be "good enough" and not "perfect" or we won't be able to sustain it, and that housekeeping is an anticipation of heavenly things, and so is worth doing.

I needed to hear both of those truths today. As the kids grow, life seems to be just as busy, but less simple, and the housekeeping, like the poor, is always with us. But we all have bodies, and those bodies need to be fed and clothed and rested, and housekeeping is the mechanism for providing for all of those needs.

And one day, God will provide all of those needs perfectly, and we will be clothed in white and eating at the feast of the Lamb, in our true Home. Meanwhile, faithfully providing clothes that wear out, food that only sustains for a few hours, and rest whose effect wears off by the end of the day is a way of pledging, every day, regularly, over and over, our belief that we were made as creatures who belong in a home, and that one day what is imperfect will be replaced by the complete, and that we trust God to provide for all of our needs. We may scatter our seeds in tears, but with faith that joy comes in the morning.

More on this read-along may be found here, at The Quotidian Reader.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica snell

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