
Thursday, February 2, 2012

In My Feedreader, Part II: Writing

Yesterday I posted a list of the blogs of Christians thinkers whose work I enjoy reading regularly.

Today it's a list of blogs about writing and the publishing industry. If you're an author, or someone who hopes to become an author, or even just a reader who's curious about how the business that produces all those stories you love works, these are all blogs that make profitable reading.

(btw, these are specifically about writing and the writing business, as opposed to blogs that are either primarily about books and book reviews or that are just the personal blogs of various authors. Those lists are coming later. :D )

Chip MacGregor - a literary agent who has lots of posts on how to write, sell, and market your book.

Rachelle Gardner - another literary agent with  many helpful posts.

Jennifer Represents - more good advice from yet another literary agent.

Steve Laube - more of the same. Seriously, these days, there's no good reason to be uninformed about the publication process - not with all of these fountains of information out there.

Janet Reid, Literary Agent - and, again.

Book Ends, LLC - A Literary Agency - and once more, for good measure.

Shrinking Violet Promotions - This one's a little different: it's book marketing for introverts. Brilliant!

Query Shark - real critiques of real book queries.

Pub Rants - another publishing industry blog, written by a literary agent - always interesting stuff here.

Patricia Wrede - an author whose blog is dedicated to (excellent) writing advice.

Novel Matters - a group blog on the writing life.

Novel Rocket - another group blog on the writing life.

Seekerville - and, one more!

There you have it. Did I miss one of your favorites? Let me know in the comments.

Coming up next: it's the mommy bloggers!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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