
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Getting Geeky about "Once Upon a Time"

First, the story line between Mary Margaret (Snow White) and her prince just sucks. Had to get that out of the way. Even if they're married in real (i.e., fairy-tale) life, their cursed selves should hold true to the vows they think he's bound by. Because - come on guys - you're supposed to be the heroes. Have some integrity.

K, that said, I loved this week's episode. Mr. Gold is hands-down my favorite character and "Beauty and the Beast" is my favorite Disney movie. When I learned they'd be revamping the story so that he's the Beast? I was scared they'd ruin a few of my favorite things. But they didn't. They pulled it off. It was great.

I love the implication that Mr. Gold is going to have a happy ending (because we all know the Beast repents and is redeemed, right?). I love that we're able to see that despite being doubly cursed (by the Queen and by the Dark One), there's still part of him that's human. (The Queen is literally heartless, but Mr. Gold isn't - literally or metaphorically.) I love the last scene in the prison, when he and the Queen flex their muscles at each other, pitting her knowledge against his, and her control of the curse against his control of the deal that gave her the curse in the first place ("please").

I've read speculation that the end game of the show is going to be all about Mr. Gold and the Queen, and I can see that happening. If "true love breaks any curse" and "you always have a choice", is it going to be all about him choosing true love over power? If he does, he'll have his happy ending. And if anyone has a happy ending, isn't the Queen's curse broken?

That is, he'll only be able to win by losing. If he wants his lost love back, he has to become truly human again, which means giving up all his impish power. It might kill him, but he'll die a man. It's the sort of eucatastrophe that characterizes all the best stories.

Golly, I hope the ending they're working towards is good!

-Jessica Snell


  1. We just now finished watching the most recent episode, and I think you're right. We're all rooting for a happy ending for Mr. Gold. We've always liked him in a creepy sort of way from the beginning. That little giggle gets me every time.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Sherry! It's funny, I've actually been a much bigger fan of Mr. Gold than of Rumple, but this last episode made even the little imp sympathetic! I think because you were able to see the man he was before the curse - or rather, the man underneath, who's changed since he was cursed.
