
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

beginning to think about Lent

It's going to be Lent soon, and I'm beginning to think about how I'm going to observe it this year.

I'm thinking about reading through St. Augustine's The City of God. I've been wanting to for awhile, and Lent seems like a good time.

I'm thinking about fasting. It always feels weird to blog about fasting (blowing trumpets, and all that), so I'll probably let it suffice to say: I'm thinking about how to fast this year.

The Book & the Bread:
I'd like to keep working on memorizing John 14-17. I started last Lent and didn't finish. It's tempting, when you don't hit a goal, to give up. But I think it's better to just try again, if the goal is worth the getting. I think I might try this method of reading the passage out loud every day during Lent, and seeing what sticks.

Anyone else getting ready for the great fast that proceeds the Queen of Feasts?

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Thinking about it, and coming up empty. Usually I love Lent, hard though it can be. This year I can't seem to find my heart anywhere.

  2. Em, maybe you should take up something pleasant and good for Lent. For me, it'd be maybe a Donne poem a day. Maybe for you it would be listening to a cantata a day? Something to feed your soul with beauty.

    I might be totally off, but that's what comes to mind when I think of you and Lent this year.
