
Saturday, July 26, 2008

a second mei-tai!

Now I can carry both babies at once!

Here's the post
where I wrote about making the first one, for our son, Gamgee. Now I have one for the front and one for the back!

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. I read your post on the way out the door and went straight to the fabric store and bought some canvas like stuff. I made my mother in law stay up till 11 teaching me how to use her machine. I ended up finding a different pattern because I've never sewed before and I got very confused. Anyway, thanks, I've been wanting to make one of these for the last three babies and never managed to have the time or help I needed.

  2. That is very cool. I used to double with Lucy and Mary back in the day. However, the carriers weren't the same kind so it wasn't very comfortable. Your solution looks perfect.

  3. Oh, you girls are all so cute!!!!



  4. those are great!!! I registered for a moby sling that is supposed to hold two babies when they are little. These look much better!! :) very cute.

  5. How cool! I'm going to have to consider that for sure!
