
Friday, April 27, 2007

Frugal Friday: buying discounted plants

Maybe they don't do it everywhere, but at the Lowe's near my house, if you go all the way to the back (or, sometimes, tucked just to the right of the entrance at the front) of the garden section, you'll find a big moveable shelf full of discounted plants. They're usually more than half off - often $2 for a nice, mature plant.

Sometimes, these plants are pretty much done for the world. But, often, the only thing wrong with them is that they are done flowering. They're not at the height of prettiness anymore, and so Lowe's can't sell them for full price.

I love, love, love, looking through this shelf. I've found verbena, flowering sage (salvia), ivy and more.

The trick to buying discounted plants, at Lowe's or wherever they sell them in your area, I've found, is to buy perennials and not annuals. The annuals are probably pretty much done (though, if you're a greener thumb than me, maybe you can coax them into blossoming again before the season is over). But the perennials, of course, you can deadhead, feed, water, and enjoy for years. I have a pot of red, white and purple verbena that went on sale after the fourth of July that's flowering beautifully and abundantly.

The other fun thing you can sometimes find there are the gift plants that have started to go bad. You know, the ones that have been planted to look extremely beautiful for a week or two, but then crowd themselves out because they've been planted too closely in too small a pot. I got a three pot gift package of ivy that had about nine little ivy plants in each four inch pot! No wonder it was dying! But take it home, separate the plants, repot them - and, wow, that's a lot of ivy for $3.

Anyway, hopefully you can find a store nearby with a similar, possibility-laden shelf!

peace of Christ to you,


  1. Thanks for the great reminder! I have some time this week and will try to stop in at some of these stores. I too, enjoy finding these little castaways and bringing them back to their glory! Have a great summer enjoying your flowers.

  2. I love perennials! Best bang for your buck!

  3. Gotta get out to the garden center...

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I found your blog through Crystal's.
    I got many of my plants simply by cutting off a branch and sticking it in the ground. It works wonderfully for geranium for example. A friend allowed us to cut off a bit of theirs, and we got it for free.
