
Thursday, April 26, 2007


And I was so determined not to miss it!

I've been terrible about remembering to celebrate saints' days, but I was convinced that I would remember St. Mark's this week. Alas, today is NOT the 24th, and so St. Mark's feast day is not tomorrow, but yesterday.

All the same, praise God for St. Mark, evangelist! Go take a peek through his gospel, and just try to count all of the "suddenly!"'s. It's like the Herman kid's account of the appearance of the angel in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: "Suddenly, out of the black night, SHAZAM!" I've heard Mark's gospel called "the comic book gospel", and that's not a bad description. Lots of action. For a world that sometimes sees Christianity as dull, Mark's gospel is a good antidote. In it, we see Christ actively loving his people who he has come to save.

peace of Christ to you,

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, and I saw an amazing argument in a letter today that builds on the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 to say that since a man can have his own will and that of a demon, why couldn't Christ have a human and a divine will? Now that I'm writing it out, I'm not sure that it's a great argument in all aspects, but I had never thought of it that way before. (The problems I'm currently having come from Christ being truly one in both his natures, while the demon-possessed man had two separate and distinct natures working through one body.)
    At any rate, I like Mark's gospel, precisely because it isn't all stuffy church language!
