
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

WFMW: Love, Sweet Love Edition

This weeks Works for Me Wednesday, hosted by Shannon of Rocks In My Dryer, is all about love, in honor of St. Valentine's Day.

Back when I was engaged, my mom gave me (along with the recipe to her amazing pie crust), some tips that have helped me time after time in my marriage. She said they summed up what she'd learned in 25+ years of marriage to my dad. So, in hopes that they'll help others, here are my mother's recommendations for a long and good marriage:

1. constant prayer
2. frequent, joyful sex
3. regular time spent together
4. continual forgiveness
continual repentance
5. conscious support of his career & hobbies
6. encourage 10x more than any critique

and then, at the end of that list (she did this, btw, at the invitation of the hostess of one of my bridal showers), she put an unnumbered tip that became my marriage mantra:

"Remember - if it's good for Adam, it's good for you."

And she's right. That sums it up. My husband's good isn't separate from mine. If it benefits him, it benefits me.

peace of Christ to you,


  1. What a treasure your mom gave you! Your marriage mantra is definitely a keeper.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi
    If I knew you were out there I would've commented earlier...a fellow Anglican mummy who celebrates the church year! Wow! Nice to "meet" you!

  3. I love the last piece of advice from your mom. great tips!


  4. What a great list! Thanks for sharing!


  5. What great advice, wrapped up in such a succinct package. That would be great to use at bridal showers when they want us to write down advice for the new bride.

    Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

  6. Beautiful! You are very blessed to have such a Godly mom!
