
Wednesday, February 7, 2007


There was a point today where it was close enough to the kids' naptimes that they were fussy, but far enough away that I couldn't just put them down, when they were driving me nuts, and I (I'm afraid) was driving them nuts.

So we danced. All three of us, me carrying the baby, and Bess zooming from one corner of the room to the other.

Yes, this has to do with homemaking, more specifically parenting, and not the church year. But it felt, in some ways, like working out that proverb "a gentle answer turns away wrath" in real life. 'Cause it may be to wild and crazy music, but dancing is a much gentler alternative to losing it and yelling (or crying, if you're the two-year old in the situation).

Thank God for music.

peace of Christ to you,

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