Monday, April 17, 2017

The Joy Grows: an Easter post at The Lent Project

Today, I'm over at Biola University's Lent Project, writing about Jesus meeting Mary Magdalene in a garden:

Even when we did find our way into gardens, and were refreshed by the common graces of sunlight and rain, we dragged with us our cloud of pollution, dimming the light and poisoning the ground. 
There was light, but it did not purify. Fruit, but it did not assuage our bottomless hunger. Water, but it could not quench our endless thirst. 
Then the Son of God became Man. 
He was light, and no pollution could abide in His brightness. 
He became the food that could truly feed us, and He Himself was the living water—the water that could flow over the dead lands and call life out of them once more. 
He took our sin upon Himself, and burned it all away.

Please head on over to The Lent Project to read the rest.

And if you're interested in reading more about how to celebrate Easter (and the rest of the church year) in your home, consider picking up Let Us Keep the Feast!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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