
Monday, January 23, 2017

Book Notes: "Write Without Crushing Your Soul: Sustainable Publishing and Freelancing," by Ed Cyzewski

"Write Without Crushing Your Soul," by Ed Cyzewski, is a mix of practical advice and theoretical musings about the business of being a freelance writer. And, as such, it suited me very well. I like books that are basically intelligent people writing down their free-ranging thoughts on their area of expertise, and then giving their best advice to me, the reader.

Here are a few quotations from the book that I found particularly helpful:

The last thing you want to do is waste your time on something that isn't your first priority to begin with. In fact, my goal for myself and for you is to spend the vast majority of each day writing.

Just think of a new way to promote your book every week and leave things at that. You can do as much or as little as you want, and that removes a lot of the pressure and stress. Promotion simply becomes a small thing you add to your schedule each week rather than an all-consuming monster that threatens to take over your life for several months. Mind you, this may not be as effective as the industry standards for publicity, but there's no guarantee that either will work any way. Why not opt for the path that leaves you with a potentially healthier outcome?'s how I've found a sustainable way forward--at least for now. In order to write sustainably, you need to relentlessly be yourself. That isn't necessarily the same thing as following a calling or your dreams. The difference is essential, in fact.

Not an earthshaking read (though that last bit of advice might be earthshaking, if you really followed it), but encouraging and interesting. Recommended.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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