
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Infertility and Miscarriage - in the authors' own words

This is a follow-up to yesterday's post, where I wrote a bit on what I noticed while editing "Not Alone". I thought it only fitting to use today's post to direct you towards some reflections from the actual contributors to the book, so here's a small link round-up of their thoughts:

-Jared Begg, on promoting a book about such hard topics:
I contributed to a book again . . . The first book was uplifting in theme and overtly worshipful. 
This second book is a little different than that.

-Marcy Ratcliff, on all the emotions reading the book brought up:
These beautiful, heartbreaking stories. I want to hug everyone in the world. Especially every mother, but also every father, everyone yearning for a child, even everyone not. Those struggling with other things and those who are like, Why are you hugging me, you crazy lady?!
-Jennifer Hallmark, in an interview about writing her contribution:
It could be called an "edgy" Chicken Soup for the Soul. By edgy, I mean the essays, written by men and women who've dealt with the pain and emotions that come with miscarriage and/or infertility, are heart cries. These stories are told by broken people who have found hope in the midst of their struggle.
-Finally, Anna Gissing on "Advent and Infertility":
And even now, God sees and hears you. God knows your unfulfilled longings and desires.

If you've experienced miscarriage or infertility, or if you (like me) want to understand your loved ones who have been in this place, considering picking up a copy of "Not Alone".

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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  1. Been there, done that. Books like this are very much needed in the world. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  2. You're very welcome. It was a hard project to work on, but a really good one, I thought.
