
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Our Library Haul this Week

We're blessed to live in a place with a great library system - our county has about 90 libraries, and they allow us to request books, DVDs, CDs, etc. from any library in the system, for free. It's a perk I take full advantage of, and I can't count the number of authors I've discovered (and whose work I've later gone on to purchase) through our local libraries.

And, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, books are something I never get tired of talking about. So I thought it'd be fun to write a post starring our weekly library haul! :)    Here we go . . .

For me:
-"The Winner's Crime", by Marie Rutkowski.  You can read my review of "The Winner's Curse" here. This is the sequel.

-"1000 Forms of Fear", by Sia.  I like "Chandelier", so I wanted to see if I liked anything else on the album.

-"White House Down" - I ignored this when it first came out, but I recently read something (on Tumblr, maybe?) that made me think it was the kind of fun, over-the-top action movie that my husband and I would actually enjoy watching together. So we're going to give it a go.

For the kids:
-"How to Read a Story", by Kate Messner.   This - and some of the books following - I found via Melissa Wiley's blog. Great spot for discovering new kids' books.  This one I read to the twins, and they read to other family members soon after. A success!

-"Cakes in Space", by Philip Reeve.  I requested this along with another book by Reeve, "Oliver and the Seawigs".  Gamgee - who will often profess disinterest in novels - has been gobbling up the latter. I love books that tempt my reluctant fiction reader.

-"Butt-Naked Baby Blues", by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman - Bess and Gamgee are both big fans of Baby Blues. This request was due to my two eldest begging me for more of their favorite comic strip.

-"Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt", by Kate Messner. This was a hit for Gamgee - who liked the bugs & worms - and for Lucy & Anna, who loved the story and the pictures.

-"I Will Take a Nap!", "Waiting is Not Easy!",  and "I Am Invited to a Party!", by Mo Willems.  Piggie & Elephant goodness.  All the kids (and the adults) in the house like these.

-"Water Is Water", by Miranda Paul.  Anna & Lucy agreed that the best part of this book about the water cycle was the pictures.

-"An A from Miss Keller", by Patricia Polacco. I used to work at our local library and the head librarian - my old boss - still sets aside books for me that she thinks we'd like. Which is so cool. This is one of those.

-"The Glorkian Warrior Delivers a Pizza", by James Kochalka.  All four kids loved this, and I can't blame them. It's funny, and clever, and sweet. If you're looking for a gift for a new reader that they'll actually enjoy, this is a good one.

-"Big Green Pocketbook", by Candice F. Ransom. Just a sweet little story. We (the twins and I) liked it very much.

-"Stick Dog", by Tom Watson. Another bit of fiction that caught Gamgee's fancy. See? It's not impossible to find things that a reluctant novel-reader might like. Not impossible. Just difficult. :)

-"Finding Out About Geothermal Energy", by Matt Doeden - I have a budding scientist. Gamgee likes books about physics, engineering, etc., and when I request them for him, he actually reads them. There's no way I'm not going to encourage such a true, good, fitting interest in my son.

-"The Large Hadron Collider", by Bonnie Juettner Fernandes - another science book for Gamgee.

So, have you found anything lovely at the library recently? Please tell me about it in the comments!  As you can see, I'm all about making the acquaintance of new and lovely books!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

This post contains an Amazon affiliate link; if you purchase a book from this link, I receive a small percentage of the purchase price.  (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)


  1. I'm a huge fan of Donna Andrews and have read everything of hers on the planet via the LA County Library system.

    (Are you LA County or Orange County?)

  2. Jen - LA. It's such a huge county . . . but then, so is Orange!
