
Friday, September 25, 2015

"Tattered and Mended", by Cynthia Ruchti

Cynthia Ruchti is more than a talented author (though she is that).

She is more than a skilled writer of flawless prose (though she is that).

She is a dear friend, a kind mentor, and a generous woman who overflows with encouraging words and the love of her Savior.

She's given of her self, her time, and her talent to me (and to so many others I know), without expecting a thing in return, and getting her latest book in the mail was a real joy.

I know this woman practices what she preaches, and that her life bears out the message of hope she shares.

Here's a bit of a blurb about this book:
In Tattered and Mended, author Cynthia Ruchti offers and invitation to think about soul-mending as a divine art form, to show us that God doesn't just heal wounded souls, he heals artfully.
Congratulations on your new release, Cynthia!  I can't wait to read it all.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

p.s. Okay, I have to add this: there's a story of mine in this book! Not "a story" like a short story, but just a little bit of my life that I shared with Cynthia. I told her about a special needlework project I did - repairing an old wedding gift for a friend - and she took that simple story and drew the most amazing meaning out of it about mending tattered souls. If you want to take a peek at that part of the book, it starts on page 96.  :)

Cynthia & me at a retreat last fall