
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Yarnalong: Credence Cloth and "Working Stiff"

Ginny over at Small Things says: ~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr. Leave a link below to share your photo with the rest of us! ~

The needlework:
This is, I hope, going to be the new tablecloth for our credence table at church. I'm using this pattern from WEBS and I'm crocheting it in cotton crochet thread.  I'm happy with how it's turning out so far and I'm really curious how it will look once it's properly blocked. I expect the lace will open up a lot.

The book:
I'm reading "Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner". I've just started this, but so far it's really holding my intention.

I worked, for a brief time, at a private investigation agency. We investigated workman's comp claims, and so I got to hear a lot about what could go wrong in work places. Reading this story about a woman who investigates what can go wrong, well, everywhere reminds me of my old job, somehow.

Yet the author says that learning more about death made her less afraid. I'm really curious to see how that plays out over the course of the book.

What are you reading and making this week?

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)


  1. This sounds like it would be an interesting book.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So I've tried it a few times and I just can't figure out how to knit and read at the same time. Tips? Tricks? ;)

  4. Becca, I haven't managed it, other than audiobooks!

    This is just what I'm working on, and what I'm reading - not simultaneously. :)
