
Monday, February 17, 2014

Intervew with Anna Moseley Gissing

Hi folks! Today I have a treat - I got to sit down and talk to Anna Moseley Gissing, one of the contributors to Let Us Keep the Feast.  
Me: Hi, Anna! It's good to have you here today. You’re the author of the Epiphany chapter in Let Us Keep the Feast, so I wanted to start by asking you, what’s your strongest Epiphany memory, good or bad?

Anna: I did not grow up celebrating Epiphany, so my memories are all quite recent. A few years ago, we started allowing our magi (from our nativity scene) to travel towards the manger over Christmastide and to arrive on Epiphany. I have loved watching my young kids move the camel and the magi each day and seeing their joy as they announce to anyone and everyone that "It's Epiphany!"

Me: I love it when kids get excited about the season! So, what do you think the heart of the Epiphany season is?

Anna: To me, the heart of Epiphany is the recognition that the gospel is for everyone. The magi came from far away to worship Jesus even though he was born "king of the Jews." They did not have the Scripture, yet they followed a star to find Jesus and worship him with gifts fit for a king. These Gentile worshippers remind us that Jesus came for Jews and Gentiles. At Epiphany we celebrate that God in Jesus made himself manifest to people in new ways. Jesus is the light of the world and yet, He calls his disciples the light of the world as well. So it's a season to focus on sharing the light of Christ with others as well.

Me: That's beautiful, Anna. Reading and editing your chapter on Epiphany in Let Us Keep the Feast really clarified the meaning of Epiphany for me and gave me a much deeper appreciation for it.
And now I want to ask you about writing that chapter: what surprised you most as you did the research for it? 

Anna: What surprised me the most about Epiphany is how little seems to be written about it. When we consider this season a time to focus on the earthly ministry of Jesus, the time in between his birth and death, it seems odd that it should be such an overlooked time. 

Me: I totally agree! Okay, last question: of all the sections in your chapter, which one was the most fun to write?

Anna: It might sound dull, but I found the introduction the most fun to write. My goal was to explain both why Epiphany is significant and how it fits in between Christmas and Lent. In addition, I really enjoyed reflecting on the narratives of the magi and the baptism of Jesus and how they might shape our observance of this season.

Me: I think you really succeeded in that goal, Anna. Thank you for being here today!

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