
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yarnalong: more hexipuffs!

Ginny says: Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?

What I'm knitting:
The yarn-y part of this post? More hexipuffs! This particular batch is made out of Noro Silk Garden Sock - my first Noro yarn! The colors are just as gorgeous as everyone says, but it is NOT sock weight, so it took my awhile to adjust my normal vanilla sock pattern to get socks that fit me. (The hexipuffs are being made out of what was left after I finished the socks.)

What I'm reading:
The book is "The Extroverted Writer", by Amanda Luedeke.  I've enjoyed Amanda Luedeke's blogging (on the MacGregor Literary website) for awhile, and I used some Christmas money to pick up a copy of her book.

And then promptly set it on fire.

No, not on purpose. I just didn't realize I'd put it too close to where my husband was heating water for tea and . . . well. There you go.

Happily, the damage wasn't great, and it's still entirely readable. Also, it now has that delicious campfire smell.  Still, it's not the way I suggest you treat your books!

Especially ones that are worth reading, which this one is, so far. It's just like her blogs, but with room for her to really treat her topic properly, which is a nice luxury. :)

More yarn-and-book goodness can be found on the link-up over at Ginny's place!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

This post contains Amazon affiliate links. (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)


  1. Hi Jessica! I am going to have to check out The Extroverted Writer...I write primarily on my blog, but interested in branching out...also love your hexipuffs!

  2. Oh dear, shame about your new book, at least it's still readable. I love your hexi puffs, I think this will be something I try this year. X

  3. Oh no. At least you were still able to read your book. I've seen lots of hexipuff creating this past year.

  4. That is too funny about your book! Totally something I would do... a few days ago I almost set a blanket on fire, which I had wrapped around myself while making tea... it fell onto the burner and I snatched it just in time.
    I keep seeing hexipuffs... is it for a blanket, I am guessing?

  5. I'm sure Amanda would get a kick out of your story and picture. She seems to be that kind of person. (I read her posts, too.)
