
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Yarnalong: "Dreams of the Golden Age"

Ginny of "Small Things" says: Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading?
The knitting: I'm knitting a new pair of socks, this time using Cascade Yarns Heritage Paints. I've used this yarn once before, and the socks I made from it then have worn really well. I also love how deep and clear the colors are! This is fast becoming my go-to sock yarn.

The book: I'm reading "Dreams of the Golden Age", by Carrie Vaughn. It's the sequel to "After the Golden Age", which I loved. (You can read my review here.) The first book was about the daughter of superheroes, and what her life was like. Imagine if your dad was Superman and your mom was Wonderwoman and you had no powers at all. That was the first book.

This second one might be even better. The daughter from the first book is now all grown up, and has children of her own. And one of them, Anna, has discovered that she has super-powers - just like her grandparents did. And she's hiding that fact from her mom, and trying to figure out what to do.

But what I love is that the point-of-view switches between the mother and the daughter. The mother isn't as ignorant of what's going on with her kid as her daughter thinks she is. And maybe it's just because I'm a mother now, but watching the plot unfold between the forty-something mom and the teenage kid is just fascinating. Neither of them is stupid or mean or petty, but each of them is struggling with the burdens particular to their age and stage of life. That makes them feel very real, and makes me really invested in the story.

And there are SUPER-POWERS. :D  Totally my kind of book.  

I'm only about halfway through, so I can't promise it ends well, but at the moment I'm just having a blast reading it.

What are you reading and knitting?

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

This post contains affiliate links. (See full disclosure on sidebar of my blog.)


  1. Sounds like a great book series, Jessica! I'll have to keep it in mind. Thanks so much for visiting my blog earlier today and sharing your thoughts and kind words. I'm going to have to visit your Ravelry profile and find your afghan. :-) Have a great day! <3 Michelle

  2. Love your socks, esp the color. Socks are one of my favorite things to knit!

  3. thanks! And, Michelle, here's the link:

  4. That's a beautiful color palate in your yarn!

    I'm working on my first sock and reading The Odyssey. I think it will take longer for me to knit a pair of socks than it took Odysseus to return to Ithaca. But I figure even if I am only knitting one or two rows a day, I am at least making progress!

  5. oooh I love Heritage ... it knits up so nicely. In fact, the shawlette I designed that's in Lace One Skein was done in Heritage. So fun ...

    Mary G.

  6. I'm not knitting anything, but that book sounds awesome. Thanks for the mini-review and suggestion!

  7. The books sound awesome. I'm going to contact my library and see if they have them. The socks look good.

  8. Dreams of the Golden Age sounds fun!! I like the idea of a superhero story that looks closely at the mother/teenager relationship....pure fantasy mixed with real life. On my reading list (which is growing...)
