
Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend Links!

"California drought: What's causing it?": Apparently it's a "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge". Pray for rain for us, folks. You really do want us to keep growing food out here.

"The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids":
Faithful artists should provide sabbaths, not escapes. We should be crafting periods of rest and inspiration that will feed, fuel, and empower readers to engage more deeply in reality as faithful men and women. To step out of the shelter when the time comes.
"In the Name of Love":
There’s little doubt that “do what you love” (DWYL) is now the unofficial work mantra for our time. The problem with DWYL, however, is that it leads not to salvation but to the devaluation of actual work—and more importantly, the dehumanization of the vast majority of laborers.
"Mortifying the Fear of Academic Books":
It takes a fresh look at theology and an intentional shift in your reading style to tackle thick tomes. For the shift to be effective, you'll need to put your favorite novels on Mars and your academic, theological books on Venus. They're not the same thing, though their similar appearance tries to tell you otherwise.

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