
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend Link Round-up: Crabby moms, Mars, and more!

"Crabby mommy syndrome": Now this is an interesting take on a familiar feeling:
Try as we might to put them blame elsewhere, crabby mommy syndrome has its root in sin. Those things that make us cranky usually point straight at our disordered attachments. Those attachments are one of four things (many thanks to St. Thomas Aquinas for nailing it all down so astutely): power, pleasure, wealth or honor.
"Incredible photographs from the surface of Mars": these are so cool. I look at these, and can almost feel like I'm standing there, looking out over an alien horizon.

"New Christy & Todd Books": so excited to hear this! I loved these books as a teenager, and the adult me is looking forward to reading about these characters all grown up!

"Climbing to Great Heights Above Rio": an amazing photo essay of workman repairing damage to the giant Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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