
Friday, January 10, 2014

New Year's Resolution #6: Take Care of the House (and get out of the house!)

This one's totally boring, but it's foundational to a pleasant day-to-day life.

New Year’s Resolution #6: Take Care of the House:
1) Keep doing the budget, as we have been. Meet savings goals. We’ve been using the budget printables from Dave Ramsey’s website.

2) Keep up on to-do list. I have a housework to-do list that works well for me (I should blog about it sometime!), so I just want to keep up on it.

3) Continue my very slow (but successful!) decluttering project. This is another thing I want to blog about. But basically, I’m slowly decluttering our house, one room at a time, and it’s really making it easier to keep things picked up and neat. I want to keep going on this one.

4) Keep menu planning. It works!

What about you?
Talk about your domestic goals in the comments, or link to your post about your goals. I’ll add any links to the body of this post, so they’re easier for others to see and visit.

Bonus Resolution #7: Miscellaneous:
I resolve to be miscellaneous!

No, not really. This is just my catch-all for the extra stuff. 

And really, I only have one this year. I suppose this could fit under “loving my husband” or “loving my kids” or “loving myself”, because really, it’s a family goal.

So here it is:

1) I think that, once a month, I want to make sure our family goes OUT somewhere. Somewhere other than our regular haunts. There are so many cool places around Southern California that I want to take my kids to, but it’s not going to happen unless I plan it. I want to make a list with Adam, and just see if we can check off 10-12 of the this year. Here are a few, off the top of my head:

- The La Brea tar pits
-the Getty
-the Santa Barbara mission
-strawberry picking in San Juan Capistrano
-Balboa Park
-Apple Valley (apple-picking! Hot springs!)
-Amboy Crater (Mojave)
-the tide pools down in southern OC
-the waterfall hike in Malibu (I totally don't know the name of this; I've just heard about it from friends)
-Joshua Tree
-Mitchell Caverns (Mojave)
-Morro Bay (and San Luis Rey! And Montana de Oro!)
-and oh-so-many nifty trails in the mountains around Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Barbara, etc.

We do a good job making sure the kids get out of the city – Camping Is Our Hobby – but there are all these extra little day trips that I want to try. 

Frankly, I have no idea how this resolution will go, but I want to at least give it a good effort. It just sounds fun.


  1. We've been wanting to go to the La Brea Tar Pits as well. Let us know if you want to plan a trip together!

  2. the missions are awesome! my user pic for just about everything is from mission san juan capistrano.

  3. I'd love to see your planned out housework is a constant, ongoing chore to keep clutter away. It keeps coming in! I think I donate at least a box a week to does this happen? :)

  4. Emily - sounds like a plan!

    Jen, I love the missions, too. I love how *prayed in* they feel!

    Lisa - cool! I will write that blog post. :) (see how little encouragement it takes a writer to write? :) )
