
Friday, July 26, 2013


outside my window . . . it is hot, but experience tells me it's not nearly so hot as it'll be in, say, September.

I am listening to . . . Dallas Willard's series of lectures on the Divine Conspiracy. I highly, highly recommend this 12-part series, particularly this last bit on prayer.

I am wearing . . . workout clothes, because I just finished letting Jillian kick my butt. Again. Some more.

I am so grateful for . . . health insurance. Seriously.

I am reading . . . Tales of the Resistance, to the kids. Highly, highly recommended. The prose is sometimes a little of-its-era, but the stories are so good.

I am creating . . . hexipuffs!

around the house . . . there are many, many drying towels and swimsuits. The kids all just finished a few weeks of swim lessons. Loved seeing my eldest get stronger in her swimming, and the little ones enthusiastically tackle the scary skills of floating all by themselves and putting their heads completely under the water. :)

from the kitchen . . . so many tomatoes. So. Many.

real education in our home . . . we're reading, we're sewing, we're writing. We're, um, playing many, many video-games . . .

the church year in our home . . . it's Ordinary Time, that good, green, growing season. We're growing. We're putting in time helping out at church, getting better at tasks that are still new to all of us in our eight-month-old congregation. It's good.

picture thought . . . so, up at the lake, we saw these things swimming around, and thought, "Wow, those are really weird fish":
And then we said, "Hey, it looks like they have legs."

And then we said, "I don't think those are fish."

And then we caught one:

Turns out bullfrog tadpoles are really, really big. As tadpoles go.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Wow, that is quite a tadpole!! So much bigger than the little front ones we find in our puddles in the spring around here!

  2. wow I never have seen a tad pole that big or developed!

  3. Ive never read Tales of the Resistance, but as a kid my mom read us Tales of the Kingdom (the first one) which made a HUGE impression on me. Seriously, even single one of those stories is imprinted on my mind, especially "king sighting day." I remember thinking as a kid that Jesus could be around any corner!

  4. Yes! I love Sighting Day! "I see da king!" :D

    I think you'll love Tales of the Resistance, too. I loved them as a kid, and I'm just finding the stories even deeper and truer as an adult.

    Tales of the Kingdom is about being part of a church family in a way I never grasped when I was little, for instance.

  5. I love Dallas Willard, and I have that book on my shelf. I don't know "Tales of the Resistance" but I'll certainly look into it.
