
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Links - Lent, Ruined Plans, & Humility

"2013 Lenten Lessons": I'm not quoting from this one because my very favorite quotation is at the very end, and I don't want to spoil it. But go read, go read!

"When Life Doesn't Go According to Plan":
One of the pieces of “sage” wisdom—which is different from hunter green or celadon, as we all know, and not even close to kiwi—that I give young moms is “Write your schedule on your calendar in pencil. That way it won’t be so annoying when you have to erase it because of the kids’ flu/ear infection/pink eye/head lice/field trip/allergy appointment/soccer tournament/snow day.”
I usually say it in fewer words, but the point is that I got in the habit early: Consider everything written in pencil, because it rarely stays the way you thought it would.
(Jess' note: this link is not only a good read - though it is that; Cynthia Ruchti is awesome - it also includes a pretty cool giveaway. Click, click!)

"my talk at IV this evening":
Paul is asking that we then, who have had the great burden of self lifted up and healed and loved, that we do this for one another.