
Sunday, February 10, 2013

a snippet of fiction

Happy with this just because it helped me tease out an idea that'd been dancing around the edges of my consciousness for the past few days:

           He wasn’t happy, and that meant a bad decision was more likely than not. People made bad decisions when they were unhappy. Their true selves were locked away, down deep, protected from the miserable fog of their day-to-day experience, and they made decisions on impulse, grabbing desperately onto any stray idea that seemed to promise a way out of the grey clouds that mired them. People thought their hearts were what led them astray, but it wasn’t true. The mind was a necessary check on the heart, sure enough, but it was an insensitive instrument when left to itself, tone-deaf and unable to hear when a note struck true.

            He was unhappy, and desperate not to be, and his brilliant mind was going to lead him to do something very, very stupid indeed.

Not sure what I think of the idea, but I do love how writing helps get my ideas out of my head and onto paper, where they're easier to study.

-Jessica Snell

ETA: this is just scratchpad stuff, unedited, just scribbling because I had an idea I wanted to play with. And just posting because, well, because it's my blog, and I wanted to.

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