
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Book Notes: "Legion" by Brandon Sanderson

LegionLegion by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sanderson's known for his huge, symphony-like epic fantasy, but this novella proves he can play a mean little jig too. He's doing about five different things at the same time in this novella - it's a mystery, it's a speculation on the nature of faith and science, it's a study of a fantastical psychological ailment, it's a sci-fi (or is it fantasy?), it's a character (characterS?) study - and it reads really, really fast.

It's just fun to read something so well-executed and engaging that you can gulp down in an hour - fast enough that you can hold all the different aspects of the story in front of your eyes at once and enjoy how well they play off each other. I liked it!

View all my reviews

-Jessica Snell

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a stellar review! Off to add it to my list at the library!
