
Friday, October 26, 2012

7 Quick Takes

1. Is it bad that the two reasons I like our cat are: 1) because he's pretty, and 2) because he's nuts? The pretty part makes him aesthetically pleasing and the nuts part makes him funny.

I'm pretty sure I'd be upset if those were the two reasons someone liked me.

2. My son asked me this week if "things" is "spelled with an F."  As I tried not to laugh, I realized I'm going to be very sad when he loses that last bit of baby-lisp.

3. Last night, after the marathon of teeth-brushing, bathing, and bedtime prayers, as Adam and I were making the rounds amongst the kids' four beds, kissing and doing the last tucking-in rituals, we caught each other's eyes and I mouthed, "we're almost there!" and he nodded excitedly back, "I know!"

Seriously. Those two hours between when the kids go to bed and when we do? Gold. Pure gold.

4. I think I need to take the presidential elections more seriously, but it's really hard to do when you not only don't live in a swing state, you live in a state that doesn't even know what a swing is. I keep reading all these very serious articles, and I know the election matters, but it's so hard to take them seriously because all of them seem to be trying to convince me of something and you know what? Convincing me of something will make no difference whatsoever in the course of the election. I live in California. My senators could paint themselves pink and walk into the next session of Congress on their hands, and I still wouldn't be able to vote them out of office.

So, I have my opinions, but they don't feel very real.

5. It's almost Advent! And it's less than a month till Christ the King Sunday! Which is my very favorite Sunday in the whole church year. Yay!

6. I like Christ the King Sunday so much because it's our yearly reminder that everything turns out okay in the end. There's such security in knowing the end of the story. I don't know how we get there, I don't know what we're going to have to endure, but I believe the Lord's promise that He will return and judge the earth. And so, trusting in that promise, I have absolute safety in following Him. He is in control, and obeying him is the path to life, and life abundant, and life eternal.

7. In the much shorter term, it's almost the weekend. Which means the six of us in our family get more time together than apart, and that is a very great blessing indeed.

For more Quick Takes, head over to Jen's place at Conversion Diary.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Oh, I LOVE Christ the King Sunday too! And I so wish we were going to be in our old church that day to celebrate it (they do it right). Alas, I'll probably be in a minivan somewhere in the middle of Nebraska... exactly when one needs a reminder that IT ALL WILL TURN OUT OK IN THE END.

  2. I'm a Californian as well and I was wondering if Dianne Feinstein was actually having to be re-elected in November because I thought I saw her on the ballot in June but I hadn't seen any mention of her since. I think I've seen maybe 3 presidential campaign commercials (during the Olympics).

    Your views do matter though. It may not get senators out of office or change which president takes California but you can alter the House of Representatives and you can decide the fate of propositions.

    The House races in my area, however, are the bane of my existence. There are 3 House districts in the area covered by my local TV stations (Sacramento, Stockton, and Modesto) and I don't think I can watch an episode of a TV show without seeing at least 4 smear ads for every regular commercial. I'd love to just see commercials for cars, toilet paper, and food for a change.

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say you have a very interesting blog full of opinions, insights, and humor!

  4. Jen - I agree, my vote does matter on the props and the local races and such - and I am planning on voting! For sure. :)

    And yes, my understanding is that Feinstein is even refusing to debate her opponent - she's THAT secure. Kind of awful.
