
Thursday, September 13, 2012

returning TV shows I'm looking forward to this fall

the returning champs!
-Doctor Who - This has already started - God bless the British!

-Sherlock - oh, wait, there aren't any new episodes this fall - dang British.

-Downton Abbey - pretty people on pretty estates . . . oh, but one of my least favorite actresses is now a recurring character. Yay . . .? the British . . . ?

Castle - Maybe. I dunno, Fillion, will the goodwill from Firefly finally expire?

Once Upon a Time - bring on the stories, bring on the campiness! bring on the strangely-moving romance between Belle and Rumpelstiltskin!

Survivor - nothing but love, because they're bringing back Penner.

The Big Bang Theory - if I could watch the geeky parts without watching the smutty parts, I'd be a happy camper.

Oooookay, that was more negative than I thought it would be. Maybe television really IS unredeemable!  ;)

What are you favorites?

-Jessica Snell


  1. - Doctor who (loving this!)

    - Community + 30 Rock + Parks and Recreation = the three funniest shows on television. None are smutty either, which I appreciate. 30 Rock is ending this season :(

    All the Other Sitcoms I Watch:
    - The Office
    - Up All Night
    - Raising Hope
    - Modern Family

    All The Bloody Dramas I Watch:
    - Castle
    - Grimm
    - Bones

  2. Is Once Upon A Time going to be on Hulu? If so, I'll be watching that. :) And Castle, but not just because of Firefly...I just really enjoy Castle!

    Also, I'm REALLY enjoying White Collar. Working on catching up through three seasons, and then will start watching regularly. I'd say this is my favorite show right now.

  3. Right now, Doc Martin and White Collar. I think from your list, you would like White Collar especially. I also love Once Upon a Time and Downton Abbey, but I still have a bit to wait for Once and a long time to wait for Downton Abbey. Not until January, right?

  4. Becks - did Grimm get better after the first few episodes? I watched the beginning, and all I really liked was the werewolf (he was hilarious), but I'm willing to give it another try.

    And Em and Sherry - okay! I'm going to look for White Collar! Is it on Hulu or Netflix?

    Oh, and, Em, I think that last season "Once" was on "Hulu", but just the latest episode. IIRC.

  5. But your list starts with DOCTOR WHO! That has to make up for at least 95% of the negatives on the rest of the list. :)

    We have really enjoyed "Slings and Arrows" which is on Netflix. Seasons 1 and 2 are the best, but Season 3 is very worth watching.

    As for network television, except for Community and Parks and Rec, count me out. And even those might jump the shark soon (though Parks and Rec has gotten much better over its seasons).

    (Grimm is good, but, um, grim. And the new intro could ruin the show. We mute it because it is so awful.)

  6. I think I might have to give Parks and Recreation a try - I keep hearing such good things!
