
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ordinary Time, 2012

Our priest pointed out this Sunday that it's almost Advent - that's the next season up!

. . . of course, that'll be in about five months. :D Ah, Ordinary Time!

Now that the kids are out of school and running about the house in a happy, noisy pack, putting on impromptu plays and wrestling matches, it really seems like Ordinary Time. It didn't till now.

Ordinary Time, the time where nothing special is happening, so we just count the days. Count the days and the hours, count the books read and the rooms decluttered, count the calories eaten and the workouts completed, the words written and the dishes washed. One, two, three . . .

It's the time where we're just allowed to lead our good lives. To quote the Bard: "Serve God, love me, and mend."

And yet everything seems to crowd into these good days. Doctor appointments and trips to the dentist, conferences and camping, visits with family in town and out . . . there's hardly a space of two days together where I can appreciate the normal rhythm of our life.

Still, "Serve God, love me, and mend." That's the spirit I want for my summer. God, in your mercy, help me serve you, love my loved ones, and mend.

Peace of Christ to you all - peace, peace, and more peace, in God's mercy -
Jessica Snell


  1. Beautiful post. Perfect description of the atmosphere and direction of Ordinary Time. I had so many things I was planning to write during "the green weeks"...and then yesterday, in the hit me: We are well on our way to Advent. I have tarried. And have so eloquently rung the second bell. I need to get writing...

  2. Can I just quote you and pretend it's 7000 words?

  3. Imitation's the sincerest form of flattery. ;)
