
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Daybook for May 29, 2012

outside my window . . . the weather is firmly decided for summer: it's hot and arid, as it likely will remain for several months to come. The kids have been agitating about going to the pool, and I'm beginning to agree with them.

I am listening to . . . more Mumford and Sons that they won't take my money for yet. C'mon, guys, just publish the next album so I can shove my dollar bills into your talented hands!

I am wearing . . . a cotton skirt and cotton tee. Like I said: summer's here.

I am so grateful for . . . money to buy fresh produce. I went grocery shopping today, and it just struck me what a gift is to have so much good food available and to also have the means to purchase it for my family.

I'm pondering . . . Pentecost. Our church's celebration of the feast was so beautiful, and I think I'm going to be thinking about the gift of the Holy Spirit all week. (Lord willing, all my life!)

I am reading . . . Ovid's MetamorphosesMore research for the novel I'm plotting.

I am creating . . . a novel! Again. Some more. :) Actually, now that I have a real synopsis (I'm starting actual composition next week), I'm realizing that the story I want to tell is incredibly ambitious. I feel like someone who's just barely started being a regular attendee at her gym deciding that what she really needs to do now is learn to bench-press 200 lbs.

around the house . . . we adopted a cat! So, now the house is full of children, books, AND randomly-strewn-about cat toys.

from the kitchen . . . there is much chopping of veggies. Broccoli, mushrooms, peppers, potatoes, parsley . . .
the church year in our home . . . our patio planters are overflowing with red geranium blossoms, just in time for Pentecost!

What's going on in your home?

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

1 comment:

  1. I just put away the Easter things. Trying to think how to mark Pentecost especially in our home... so it's not all about habit formation. =)
    I would love to talk to you about your ancient book-- my next is set then as well.
